Detail of Frequency Band
Band 8,550 – 8,650 MHz
Service Fixed | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Primary |
Civil utilisation | Not used |
Service Land mobile | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Not used |
Civil utilisation | Primary |
Additional information | Additional allocation in accordance with 5.469 |
Service Radiolocation | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Primary |
Civil utilisation | Not used |
Additional information | Non-civil use. |
Service Radionavigation | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Equal rights |
Civil utilisation | Equal rights |
Additional information | Additional allocation in accordance with 5.469 Aeronautical radionavigation. Equal sharing with non-civil use. |
Application GPR/WPR | |
Section | 6,000 – 12,400 MHz |
Harmonisations | CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03, CEPT/ECC/DEC/(06)08, (EU) 2019/785 |
Authorisation | VO-R/10 Art. 6 |
Additional information | Ultra-wideband radars are designated for imaging the structure of walls and the Earth´s surface (GPR/WPR). For detailed conditions see General Authorisation |
Application TLPR | |
Section | 8,500 – 10,600 MHz |
Harmonisations | CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03, 2019/1345 |
Authorisation | VO-R/10 Art. 6 |
Additional information | Max. radiated power +30 dBm e.i.r.p. (inside closed tank applies). the techniques of access to the spectrum and mitigation of interference which provide at least the same protection level as the techniques described in the harmonized standards. |
Application UWB applications | |
Harmonisations | CEPT/ECC/DEC/(12)03, (EU) 2019/785, ECC/DEC/(06)04 |
Authorisation | VO-R/10 Art. 14 |
Additional information | General use of the UWB devices. For detailed conditions see General Authorisation |
Application Defence systems | |
Additional information | Non-civil use on an equal basis. |