Detail of Frequency Band
Band 59 – 59.3 GHz
Notes to whole band | CZ10 |
Part of RSUP | RSUP-P/23 |
Service Fixed | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Secondary |
Civil utilisation | Primary |
Application Point-to-Point | |
Section | 57 – 66 GHz |
Additional information | See mobile service. |
Service Inter-Satellite | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Not used |
Civil utilisation | Primary |
Note | 5.556A |
Additional information | Use of the band is in accordance with the 5.556A limited to a geostationary satellites. Power flux density caused by one station of the inter-satellite service shall not overcome in all cases and all modulation methods in the height from 0 to 1000 km over Earth ground and for all angles -147 dB(W/(m2.100 MHz)). |
Service Mobile | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Primary |
Civil utilisation | Not used |
Note | 5.558 |
Application Wideband data transmission systems | |
Section | 57 – 71 GHz |
Harmonisations | CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03, 2019/1345, 2006/771/ES |
Authorisation | VO-R/12 |
Additional information | Wideband data systems on shared basis. For station registration and detailed condition see the General Authorisation. |
Application Aeronautical | |
Additional information | 5.558 applies. |
Service Radiolocation | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Secondary |
Civil utilisation | Primary |
Note | 5.559 |
Application Radiolocation (civil) | |
Section | 59 – 64 GHz |
Additional information | Airborne radars in the radiolocation service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service. |
Service Space Research (passive) | |
Category of assignment | Primary |
Non-civil utilisation | Not used |
Civil utilisation | Primary |
Application Passive sensors (satellite) |
Application Defence systems | |
Additional information | Non-civil use as a secondary user. |
Application Non-specific SRDs | |
Section | 57 – 64 GHz |
Harmonisations | CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03, 2019/1345 |
Authorisation | VO-R/10 Art. 3 |
Additional information | 100 mW e.i.r.p., transmitting output power 10 dBm. For detail conditions consult General Authorisation. |
Application TLPR | |
Section | 57 – 64 GHz |
Harmonisations | CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03, 2019/1345, ECC/DEC/(11)02 |
Authorisation | VO-R/10 Art. 6 |
Additional information | Emitted power max. 35 dBm/50 MHz peak e.i.r.p. and -2 dBm/MHz average e.i.r.p. Mitigation techniques should be used. |
Application TLPR | |
Section | 57 – 64 GHz |
Harmonisations | CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03, 2019/1345, ECC/DEC/(11)02 |
Authorisation | VO-R/10 Art. 6 |
Additional information | Emitted power max. 43 dBm e.i.r.p. (inside closed tank). Mitigation techniques should be used. The band can be used only inside metal or concrete tanks or similar constructions made from the materials with the equal attenuation. |
Non-civil Utilisation – Priority
Band reserved for non-civil utilisation. If civil utilisation is also stated with priority, the band is being used equally with civil utilisation on the basis of coordination.
Non-civil Utilisation – Subsidiarity
Non-civil stations can use the band with subsidiarity to civil ones (which use the band with priority), but must not interfere and do not have rihgt to protection against interference by civil utilisation.
Non-civil Utilisation – Not Used
Non-civil stations cannot use the band.
Civil Utilisation – Priority
Band reserved for civil utilisation. If non-civil utilisation is also stated with priority, the band is being used equally with non-civil utilisation on the basis of coordination.
Civil Utilisation – Subsidiarity
Civil stations can use the band with subsidiarity to non-civil ones (which use the band with priority), but must not interfere and do not have rihgt to protection against interference by non-civil utilisation.
Civil Utilisation – Not Used
Civil stations cannot use the band.
Note CZ10
The band is foreseen to be designated for NATO harmonised non-civil use.
Note 5.556A
Use of the bands 54.25 – 56.9 GHz, 57 – 58.2 GHz and 59 – 59.3 GHz by the inter-satellite service is limited to satellites in the geostationary-satellite orbit. The single-entry power flux-density at all altitudes from 0 km to 1 000 km above the Earth's surface produced by a station in the inter-satellite service, for all conditions and for all methods of modulation, shall not exceed –147 dB (W/(m2 100 MHz)) for all angles of arrival.
Note 5.558
In the bands 55.78 – 58.2 GHz, 59 – 64 GHz, 66 – 71 GHz, 122.25 – 123 GHz, 130 – 134 GHz, 167 –174.8 GHz and 191.8 – 200 GHz, stations in the aeronautical mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service (see No. 5.43 of RR).
Note 5.559
In the band 59 – 64 GHz, airborne radars in the radiolocation service may be operated subject to not causing harmful interference to the inter-satellite service (see No. 5.43 of RR).